Introducing the 2022 Incomindios Lippuner-Scholar, Flavio Ayuso.
Flavio, a young Mayan from Muna, a small community in southern Yucatan, is a student of Sociology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). For the past three years, he has supported Mayan communities in agrarian processes in defence of their territory against megaprojects and real estate developments that violate the collective rights of Mayan communities.
He is currently closely supporting the agrarian judicial process of the community of Ixil, Yucatan, in the defence of their ejido territory against businessmen who intend to dispossess more than three thousand hectares of very well-preserved jungle.
His topics of interest and research are: agrarian law and agrarian sociology.
In 2018 he received an honorable mention in the "Premio Nacional de Ensayo sobre la Constitución Política del Estado de Yucatán" organized by the Judicial Power of the State of Yucatan.
He has published several mini essays in the Youth Blog of the Magazine of the University of Mexico.
“I thank the Incomindios-Lippuner Scholarship program, for the opportunity to allow me to strengthen my academic training and above all for giving me the possibility to continue with community work in defence of the land. Thank you very much.”- Flavio Ayuso